January 20, 2012

'Long Distance Relationship' anyone?

Looks like the title above has explained everything .. too many stories about long distance relationships (read: LDR), many of which speaks of evil and goodness in living LDR.

In this relationship, which separates between the two sides is the distance, and who keep this relationship is communication, trust and positive thinking. Let's not talk about love, the most important thing here is to maintain the relationship until the destination point of this relationship. Maybe a wedding?

However, the most important in maintaining this relationship is the intention of both parties. If only one party, then the relationship will also be crippled. Do not be afraid to fight about various problems in this relationship, as long as both parties have good intent and purpose. We are human beings, we know that what is good and bad. Unless you are a true devil. lol

(pict: credits to Lunanotics)